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If You Build It, Will They Come?
Getting employees to engage in new programs and benefits is always a challenge HR leaders face. No matter how good the benefit is, there’s no guarantee of...
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7 LIES We’ve Told Ourselves That Prevent Us From Fixing Healthcare
We constantly talk about fixing healthcare, but we lie to ourselves about what’s driving our system’s flaws. The result is that our self-deception prevents us from seeing what’s really going on, and guarantees we’ll keep making the same mistakes. In this white paper, we take on seven of those mistakes, and the lies that are driving them.
How To Achieve 90% Patient Engagement
“I’ve seen clinic operators brag about a 30% participation rate. But when the City of Kirkland opened, we had an engagement rate of 90%.” — Keith Robertson,...
How Empathetic Listening Improves Primary Care Patient Outcomes
At Vera, we’re using empathetic listening to inspire behavior change and drive lasting, positive health outcomes. If comprehensive, preventive, coordinated care aligns with your values, download our new white paper to learn more.