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Prevent Hypertension (High Blood Pressure) With Healthy Choices
Millions of Americans are affected by hypertension. What does that mean for you? Even if you have heard of hypertension before, you may have questions about...
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Advanced Primary Care: The Front Line of a Health Revolution
If you’ve ever felt underserved by the current healthcare system, you’re not alone. Advanced primary care (APC) is what healthcare should be, but isn’t ... yet.Stay Healthy With SMART Goals
Late summer is a time of preparation. It's still warm (even hot!), but kids and teachers are preparing to return to school, and before long we'll be enjoying...
7 LIES We’ve Told Ourselves That Prevent Us From Fixing Healthcare
We constantly talk about fixing healthcare, but we lie to ourselves about what’s driving our system’s flaws. The result is that our self-deception prevents us from seeing what’s really going on, and guarantees we’ll keep making the same mistakes. In this white paper, we take on seven of those mistakes, and the lies that are driving them.