Monday | 7:00 AM - 4:00 PM |
Tuesday | 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM |
Wednesday | 7:00 AM - 4:00 PM |
Thursday | 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM |
Friday | 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM |
*Appointments at this care center are only available to eligible members. Eligibility is based on your health plan or employer.
Get the care
you deserve today
Preventive care | |
Virtual care | |
Acute care | |
Chronic Disease Care | |
On-site Labs | |
Health Coaching |
Wellness check-ups available at no cost*
Stay up-to-date on screenings
Same day appointments as available
Get the care
You deserve today
Preventive Care
Wellness check-ups available at no cost*
Stay up-to-date on screenings
Same day appointments as available
Virtual Care
Convenient care without leaving home
Visits via your computer or phone
Completely confidential
Acute Care
Faster care for fewer dollars
Shorter wait times than the ER
Treatment for minor injuries & illnesses
Chronic Disease Care
Access to certified health coaches
Personalized care for hypertension & more
Confidential & long-term care
On-site Labs
Labs, vaccinations & blood work on-site
Low cost options available
Quick, convenient & efficient testing
Health Coaching
In-person & virtual appointment options
Set actionable goals & stick to them
Mental health resources available