Roxanne Schleben, NP
Roxanne Schleben is a Family Nurse Practitioner at Vera Whole Health Amy's Health Center in Santa Rosa, CA. She is fluent in English and Spanish. She has been a Nurse Practitioner for 4 years, and a nursing professional for a total of 7 years. She is passionate about providing patient centered care and culturally sensitive health care. She previously worked at Santa Rosa Community Health Center, where she completed her Family Nurse Practitioner residency. She also worked at the Johns Hopkins Hospital as an adult medicine nurse while completing her Master's program. She completed her Nurse Practitioner training at George Washington University in Washington , D.C. Roxanne enjoys outdoor activities such as hiking and playing with her two year old daughter at the park.
Amys Family Health Center Pocatello
219 Phil Meador Ave
Pocatello, ID 83202
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